Dogs die with dignity. Why can’t we?
end of life
Dr. Michael Birt on Aging, Caregiving, and Connecting Technologies for Better Outcomes
[podcast] Dr. Michael Birt discusses opportunities for aging in place via technology.
Sr. Margaret McBride Views on End of Life-Part 2
[podcast] In part 1 Sr. McBride discussed being ex-communicated for her role in allowing an abortion to save the life of a mother. Part 2 reviews her views of end of life. The Catholic Church holds all life is sacred. However, with all our tools to prolong life, modern medicine can test this tenet. Sr. McBride talks about how she works to bring her core values to the bedside as a Nun and hospital administrator.
The Other Symptoms of Terminal Illness: Denial, Hope, and Anger
In medical school I learned about Elisabeth Kübler-Ross’s model for the five stages most patients go through when faced with a terminal illness. The stages are: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and finally acceptance. What I didn’t learn until recently—at a deep level—was how these stages, particularly denial and anger, might influence care and the provider-patient […]
The End of Life Lottery
Generally lotteries are benign enough. Most of us spend pocket change for a chance to win millions, even though, deep in our hearts, we know the huge odds against us. In fact, if you invested a thousand dollars in the lottery every day for two weeks, at the end of that time, for the average […]