Stop selling me productivity. What I really want is tools that will make me more purposeful. I’m in healthcare. My email inbox is bombarded by software offers that promise a better (read: faster) office environment. This addresses a real problem. More patients plus lower reimbursement equals a greater need for efficiency. But I’m betting that […]
value based care
Dr. Elizabeth Teisberg- Revisiting “Redefining Healthcare”- What Do We Mean By “Value?”
Dr. Teisberg and her colleague Dr. Michael Porter helped define “Value Based Healthcare” in their seminal HBR article and later book, Redefining Healthcare. However, the definition of value is often interpreted differently by different stakeholders in the healthcare system. Dr Teisberg reviews the impetus for her original work and puts it in context for how we might think about the future.
Healthcare Systems- Moving from Competition to Co-Opetition
{podcast} Healthcare system often compete rather than cooperate. However, they have common goals and common struggles. At a recent conference hosted by Healthleaders Media, innovative ideas were shared on how to better care for each other.
How is Philips Viewing Value Based Care?- A Conversation with Cheryl Iodice, Chief Marketing Officer at Philips
[podcast] Given it’s size, Philips Healthcare has the opportunity transform how healthcare (wellness) is provided in America and across the world. Cheryl Iodice, Philips’s Chief Marketing Officer, offers some perspectives in this interview.
Will Hospitals Transition to Value? Yes For Some, But Not For All.
[podcast] The transition from the current pay as you go, fee for service model to value based care delivery will not be without casualties. Many hospitals may not survive. Dr. Keith Marton, former Chief Medical and Quality Officer for Providence Health offers some thoughts on the coming changes in healthcare.
A Blue Ocean Strategy for the Medical Mall
Blue Ocean Strategy by W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne, is one of my favorite books, and one that has become a global phenomenon. Given that the strategy it introduces is so powerful, I have wondered why healthcare has been so slow to adopt it. To recall the ocean metaphor at the heart of […]